Saturday, December 3, 2011

Million thanks,

I would like to thanks all my followers. Thank you for your support. Correct me if i'm false....

Electronic Commerce Systems

Categories of E-commerce
1. Business to Consumer
-virtual storefronts, multimedia catalogs, interactive order processing, electronic payment, online customer support. For example: retailers to end users.

2. Business to Business
-Electronic business marketplaces, direct links between business, auctions and exchange.
For example: suppliers to retailers

3. Consumer to Consumer
- online auctions, posting to newspaper sites, personal websites, e-commerce portals.
For example: End users have to buy the materials to make cake. After completion of the cakes was promoted on his blog to be sold to other end users.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Preparing "Ranyai"Tree During Gawai Antu

Ranyai is not something new in Iban Community. This prepare ranyai tree during Gawai Dayak and Gawai Antu. Usually in gawai dayak time, only one ranyai tree will established for whole community in the longhouse.   The picture show some people in my longhouse is set the ranyai tree for gawai antu in my longhouse. During gawai antu, ranyai tree will established more than one because depend on how many longhouse are invited for  celebrating gawai antu. Each longhouse will be provided two ranyai tree because this two ranyai will be separate for male and female. Ranyai established to complete gawai celebration whether gawai dayak or gawai antu. The environment of gawai antu and gawai dayak sometimes different in terms of excitement. It is because during gawai dayak only people in longhouse and the foreigner will celebrated together and enliven the longhouse. But during gawai antu the environment really different because many people from the other place will coming and celebrate together. All of family members to come together. In the day of celebrations the guests from other longhouses to come enliven gawai antu. Ranyai tree will be cut accompanied by ngajat dance. Gawai antu will be celebrated for one day and one night until next morning. For your information gawai antu celebratioan intended to commemorate a family member who has died. Iban community believe that the souls of dead would return longhouse and visiting famiy members still living and is the Iban community of faith of my ancestors since time immemorial. But me not so believe this because whether is truth or not. I will share with you the picture of ranyai tree that are ready to be suspended with food and drink.
This the picture of ranyai tree that are ready decorated by food and drink. Very beautiful right? The guests from the othe rlonghouses will be ngajat around the ranyai tree before they are cut decorate of the ranyai tree and all that food back. This just are part of my culture that i sharing with you this day. thank you for reading. I will add more information about my people from time to time. Come to Sarawak and you  never forget your experience visit Sarawak.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Viewing in Genting Highland Water Theme Park

This photo was taken during our visited to Genting highland. The photo is about genting water theme park viewing from Stars Walk. This place was very beautiful and very happy because we have an oppurtunity to visit this theme park. This theme park is  very popular place in the world because it is located in top of the hill. Many people like this place because the environment was very cool and the air is very fresh. In Malaysia the cool place only located in high ground for example mount of Kinabalu and Bakalalan area in state of Sarawak. If you visit Genting Highland Theme Park as you are abroad. This theme park was constructed Tan sri Lim Goh Tong. He is Malaysia one of the famous millionaire. Tan sri Lim Goh Tong had migrated mainland  China to Malaya 1937 along with a cousin. Selling seeds as a source of family after his father died in his age 16 years.  

Monday, October 31, 2011

Naughty Girl And Boy have fun in Janda Baik.

Here i share with my friend the photo we took shower in Janda baik river. This is the best moment with my friend. The water was very cooled. We cannot swim in the river because water shallow just shower only.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Longhouse view during Gawai celebrations in end of may and first june every year .

I'm share with all who follow my blog pages about my viewing in longhouse. This part of longhouse we call it "ruai". Ruai was similar with hall. All activity will be held in this ruai. For example celebrate Gawai, wedding, death and more. For Iban race ruai is very important part in longhouse. In this ruai, the community in longhouse sharing about everything they have do or  their experience. For kids this place same like play ground for them. In longhouse every family have own room. In my longhouse we have 25 door. That mean 25 family live in my longhouse. During Gawai celebrations all family member will returns to their home towns to meet their family. Longhouse atmosphere will be lively with a  foreigner's return to the village. I was very proud to be Iban races although in the past people used to call as pirates. Also my race popular with the headhunters. I do not deny that my ancestors are headhunters because all people around the world know us with headhunters. But in my longhouse i didn't see the head be headed by the warrior of the previous. Once again i would like to say, proud to be Iban.    

Homestay Jandabaek owner by Syed Al-Attas @Pak Habib

Our best moment with Pak Habib in his Homestay. I was very proud meet that man because i rarely meet people like him. But our brief visited make us cannot here something important from pak Habib experience. This man have many experience in many areas for example in politics and else. His Homestay have nice environment because very peaceful, surrounded by fruit orchards and build a holiday home by the river. The sound of flowing water is very relaxing and me  really liked the environment like that. That environment make me remember to my homeland of Sarawak. 

Our trip to Genting Highland with this ladies n gentlemen. thanx for bes moment with you all, hope we can make second trip next semester....

Friday, October 21, 2011


baru je selesai jawab exam company law....aku yg pertama kuar....entah pe2 yg djwb aku pon x tau....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jam 1.48 am.

Aku masih berjaga di dalam bilik menunggu masa untuk melelapkan mata.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My first blog with my lecturer Miss Sharifah in her tutorial class.

Hello guy, here i was created my first blog in my successful in information system class. I hope i will learn something new in this subject. Also i hope Miss Sharifah can encourage me in this subject. At the end of this semester hope i can get the best grade. But i not have brave enough what grade i will get.